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CE Newswire 12.30.14

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Today's Top 3 Stories
#1 Report: Office Tech Drives Productivity And More Hours
  Digital technology in the workplace -- e-mail, Internet access and smartphones -- increases worker productivity and flexibility but possibly at a price: a longer workday. (USA Today)
Why This Is Important: Although email is frequently dismissed as a digital dinosaur, it ranked highest as the most valued office tool.

#2 Amazon Echo In The House: Superior Streaming Speaker With So-So Smarts
  At one end of the intelligent audio spectrum is the gadget that hangs on to your every word, a vocal personal assistant role to which Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana and Android's Google Now aspire. At the other end is the relatively single-minded wireless Internet speaker, such as the Play series from Sonos. (Geek Wire)
Why This Is Important: The device gets high marks for its audio quality, which is likely a plus for Amazon; at this point, it's hard to see the voice assistance as more than a gimmick that will quickly wear off.

#3 Microsoft Has Surprises In Store For January Event
  Microsoft is gearing up for a Windows 10 event in January that could be full of surprises, including the possible launch of a new web browser that is not Internet Explorer.  (ABC News)
Why This Is Important: Microsoft is taking a page from the Apple playbook by live-streaming the event, signaling that this will be a consumer-focused announcement rather than strictly enterprise.

4. A 5-Step Guide To Competing With Amazon (Fortune)

5. Let The Returns Begin: How To Send Back Gifts To Online Retailers (MainStreet)

6. Scoping The iPhone 6s Mini – What We Think We Know About This Device (Modern Readers)

7. Santa Stuffs This Year's Stockings With iPhones and Phablets (NBC)

8. How Big Internet Providers Will Stop Arguing And Learn To Love Net Neutrality (The Street)

9. Amazon Sells iPhone Accessories Infringing Copyrighted News Images of War, Death (PDN)

10. Amazon Is Not Just A Better Managed Sears (ETF)

Email is the equivalent to "what stone-sharpening tolls were in the prehistoric age. I think the preeminent place of email in today's work culture will likely shock the technology community." — Lee Rainie, director of Internet, science, and technology research, Pew

Blog Post of The Day
Christmas At Amazon: One Man's Story

By Hamilton Nolan

What is it like to work at an Amazon warehouse during the annual holiday rush? One Amazon warehouse employee kindly narrated the "nonstop chaos" for us over the past month. More »

Upcoming Events

International CES
January 6-9, 2015
Las Vegas

Mega Group USA National Convention
Feb. 15-18, 2015
Marriott – Riverwalk
San Antonio

Azione Unlimited Spring Soiree
March 17-19, 2015
Nashville, Tenn.

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