วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

TV and Convergence, FCC Changes, Crystalline Snowflakes, "Goodbye to Language," Giving OTT Equal Footing

TV Programming Digital Media Film Production/Post/Sound Radio Enterprise Live/Public Spaces
October 31, 2014
Connect 2 Media & Entertainment, which launched in 2013, is a resource to help you as a media professional keep up with developments not only in your own business segment but across all industry sectors. Find out what's happening in TV, radio, digital media, film, event spaces, enterprise, and much more by visiting www.c2meworld.com each day.

Huge FCC Rule Change Could Make Internet TV a Reality
Internet TV providers are just starting to emerge, but they might soon get the jumpstart they need in order to turn into real competitors for traditional cable TV.
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Capturing the No-Nonsense, New England Spirit of "Olive Kitteridge"
Cinematographer Fred Elmes explains that he and "Olive Kitteridge" director Lisa Cholodenko "talked about how important it was to see the intimate details of the surroundings. We wanted to feel the water at the shoreline, the clouds and rain."
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Goodbye to 3D Rules
It's not for everyone, but Jean-Luc Godard's first three-dimensional film, "Goodbye to Language," is so visually astonishing that a lack of comprehension isn't a barrier.
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TV and Convergence: Does Satellite Have a Future?
Many would argue that media convergence–where internet-based services are used seamlessly in line with traditional linear television viewing–will actually improve viewer experience and the longevity of satellite rather than threaten it.
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That Personalized Touch
Here's a look at interesting streaming services and digital developments related to the radio industry.
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How Karmarama and the BBC Made the Impossible Possible
Over two years in the making, The Impossible Orchestra unites 27 artists from across the world of music–and a tiger–for a unique rendition of the Beach Boys' classic "God Only Knows."
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Big Screen TV Preferred By 80 Percent of Viewers
With many cable, satellite and TV service providers now offering consumers the opportunity to watch movies, TV shows, sports, and more on their mobile devices, industry pundits are quick to prophesize "the end of broadcast TV as we know it."
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Take a Wintry Holiday from Reality with Sony's "Ice Bubbles" Ad
Suddenly, the idea of winter approaching doesn't seem so bad. Sparkly bubbles freezing on contact with the air, forming crystalline patterns, then shattering into a million tiny shards and scattering like glitter.
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More Articles & Insights
FCC Kicks Off Push to Regulate Internet TV Services Like Cable »
FCC Circulates Item Making Linear OVDs MVPDs: Signals It Could Provide Key to "Locked" Cable Channels for Consumers »
Giving OTT Companies Equal Footing — Almost — to Traditional Pay TV Providers »
Streaming on Connected TVs Continues to Rise (Study) »
The Start of an OTT Explosion »
Streaming Still Trumps The DVR in Primetime: Study »
TV's Eyeballs Are Disappearing. Does Netflix Have Them? »
NBA Season Tips Off Debate on the Future of Broadcast Television »
The Collective Conscience of Reality Television »



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