วันศุกร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Radio World NewsBytes: DAS EAS Service Bulletin; AM Digital Tests in Seattle



Happy Halloween but Don't Forget …
… to turn the clocks back this weekend. "Fall back" early Sunday morning when Daylight Saving Time ends. This is a great time to change batteries in smoke detectors as well as station monitoring gear that has battery backup, and to check your emergency supply kit at the transmitter site. Here's an article featuring some history and some possibly negative effects of time-changes.
Top Stories - 10.31.14

Digital Alert Systems Issues Precautionary EAS Service Bulletin
After the recent Bobby Bones snafu, the manufacturer of DASDECs urges users to examine their "All Alerts" queues. Here's what to do if the bogus alert is still lurking in yours.

AM Band Digital Field Tests Conclude
Earlier this month NAB Labs field-tested AM HD Radio. Read about those tests in Leslie Stimson's story from Radio World.

News & Technology
FCC: You'll Get to Know Form 2100
DIGITAL RADIO: SIRTI Emphasizes Digital Deployment
EVENT: AFCCE Symposium Examines AM Broadcast Band Woes
CELEBRATION: Monday Is Traffic Professionals Day
PROGRAMMING: Yahoo! Sports Radio Is Ballin'
Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
Anatomy of an Ad
Here's a look at the making of the BBC's BBC Music advert featuring Brian Wilson and a cast of thousands (almost) singing his "God Only Knows."
Around the Industry

Fire at Iconic French Radio Building (Yahoo!)
A large fire at the Paris headquarters of the French state-controlled radio broadcaster was brought under control Friday. The building has been under renovation for years and it is believed that is where the fire originated.

Harman Cancels Out Road Noise, Without Headphones (IEEE)
The audio equipment manufacturer is working with Lotus Engineering (of race car fame) to design in-cabin noise-cancelling systems for cars.

New LPFM Will Broadcast Near Your Backyard (Tribune)
In the Houston suburb of Magnolia, KYBY(LP) is gearing up for a November debut. The station has an eclectic plan of music, community and emergency news along with plans to work with the local school system.

How to Mic a Zombie (Video)
The gang (well, a few hams) at Audio-Technica have a little Halloween fun parodying zombie films while making use of Audio-Technica products.

Calendar of Events

Traffic Professionals Day
Nov. 3 
Traffic Directors Guild of America 

RAIN Summit Europe
Nov. 4

WorldDMB General Assembly
Nov. 4–5
Crowne Plaza - St Peter's Hotel

ITU-R, SG-6, WP6A, 6B & 6C Meetings
Nov. 10–21
Geneva, Switzerland

Americas Spectrum Management Conference
Nov. 12–13

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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