วันอังคารที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Radio World NewsBytes: Testing All-Digital AM in Seattle; LPFM Time-Share Set in S.F.


College Radio Day Is Oct. 3
Learn about, join in, support College Radio Day, this Friday. If you're involved, let us know at Radio World.
Top Stories - 09.30.14

All-Digital AM Testing Begins Oct. 2 in Seattle Area
Later this week the Pacific Northwest will be the site of the next AM HD Radio tests involving commercial AM stations.

Three-Way LPFM Time-Share Set in Bay Area
A community college system will share a frequency with two organizations targeting neighborhood Chinese-language listeners.

News & Technology
DIGITAL RADIO: Everett Stations Air Promos for AM Testing
BUSINESS: Aphex HQ Moves to Utah
AUDIENCE: Study — Radio Can Influence Swing Voters
APPS: Video Highlights NextRadio Updates
BLOG: Dale Tucker Celebration Planned

Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment

TiVo Flips on Android Streaming (Multichannel)
It's becoming a streaming-anywhere-anytime world.

Around the Industry

Wristband Drone Prototype Unveiled (TV Technology)
From a "wearables" technology competition this modern version of a falcon will leap off of your wrist and fly around. Fortunately, it won't bring back a dead pigeon.

Why Mobile Voice Quality Still Stinks — and How to Fix It (IEEE)
Smartphones are wondrous technological miracles, but their phone audio quality isn't really very good. There are several unrelated reasons for this. The good news is that engineers and researchers are working on solutions.

100th Anniversary of Marion's Marconi Tower (Sippican Week)
The folks around Marion, Mass., are planning to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the remaining facilities built by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. in 1914. It was at one time the world's largest wireless telegraph station.

Local Nonprofit Working to Create Radio Station (KGMI-AM)
While digital AM might be the topic of the day for the Pacific Northwest (see Top Stories), the Make.Shift Art Space has a meeting this week to organize its efforts to get an LPFM off the ground and onto the air.

Calendar of Events

SBE Certification Exam Application Deadline
For local chapters exams Nov. 7–17
Oct. 6

SBE National Meeting
Oct. 7–8
Verona, N.Y.

SBE Chapter 22 Broadcast & Technology Expo
Oct. 8
Verona, N.Y.

137th AES Convention
Oct. 9–12
Los Angeles

Oct. 10–12
Santa Clara, Calif.

2014 IEEE Broadcast Symposium
Oct. 15–17
San Antonio

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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