วันเสาร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

[VIDEO] Why Learning Guitar Can Be A Chore




If you're anything like me, you've probably spent hours and hours on YouTube and Ultimate Guitar Tabs trying to learn how to play your favourite songs with very little to show for it.


Okay, so maybe you've learnt a few songs and can play the chords other people upload onto the internet. But something is preventing you from getting really GOOD.


What if you could listen to almost any song and learn how to play it in less than 30 minutes?


Yeah right…


That's what I thought when I heard about this strange new listening technique. But it works. In fact, what doesn't work is exactly what you're doing now, the traditional way of taking private lessons or self-learning on YouTube. It actually SLOWS your progress instead.



Watch Video Here


I hate seeing fellow musician's think of learning guitar as a chore or thinking that it's not for them…


Cause that's simply not true.


Find out what it's all about! 


Dan Denely


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