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MCN Newswire: Aereo Shuts Down, Considers Option; Liberty Global Names Ziggo CEO, Sets Tender Price

Top Stories - June 30, 2014

Aereo Shuts Down, Considers Option
Online TV station distributor Aereo has shut down its service and will refund customers for the last month's service, but says it is "just a pause." "Aereo is consulting with the court and mapping out next steps," said a spokesperson for the company. more

Liberty Global Names Ziggo CEO, Sets Tender Price
Six months after agreeing to acquire the remaining shares of Dutch cable operator Ziggo that it didn't already own, Liberty Global has named UPC Netherlands CEO Baptiest Coopmans to head up the combined company and set a price for a planned tender offering for Ziggo shares. more

Comcast Tests Self-Install Kit For X1
In a move that might accelerate the deployment of its IP-capable video platform, Comcast is testing a self-install kit for X1 in select markets, with expectations that it will launch the option more broadly later this summer. more

Disney Telefilm 'Zapped' Draws 5.7 Million Viewers
The debut of 'Girl Meets World' Series grabs 5.2 million watchers. more


MCN Sneak Peek
TLC's 'Buying Naked'

As I Was Saying, Gary Arlen
CEA Study Adds Fuel to Power Consumption Brouhaha

Translation Please, Leslie Ellis
WiFi Under The Hood

Reynolds' Rap, Mike Reynolds
A Suburban Evening With Sam's Army, Picone's Platoon

Midcontinent, GCI Task On Netflix
Falco Calls for Apolitical, Coordinated Refugee Effort
Alert: FCC Tweaks EAS Alert
FCC Extends Media Ownership Comment Deadline
World Cup: Brazil-Chile Top Non U.S. Round Of 16 Rating
World Cup: ESPN, Univision Net 14.2M with U.S.-Germany

Production Manager - WUCF TV - Orlando, FL

General Sales Manager - WOI-TV - Des Moines, IA

Rentention Specialist - Cable TV Company - Milwaukee, WI

Retention Specialist - Cable TV Company - Milwaukee, WI

Broadcast Engineer - RNN TV - New York

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