Radio World NewsBytes: Royalty Pains; Tech at the Radio Show
Best of Show Click here to access the Program Guide for NewBay Media's inaugural Best of Show Awards. It's a unique resource, detailing the winning and nominated new products introduced at this year's NAB Show for both radio and television. We hope you'll find it a valuable reference when planning new equipment purchases.
Top Stories - 05.30.14
Music Royalties Hamper Growth of Internet Radio From the June issue of Radio World International Edition, James Careless takes a look at the comparatively onerous royalties that Internet music streamers have to pay. Adding to the burden, some countries, such as the United Kingdom, require very high royalties.
NAB Beefs Up Radio Show Tech Plans are jelling for September's Radio Show. This year the Society of Broadcast Engineers will play a significant role, including SBE certification help.
Google Starts Playing The ISP Shame Game (Multichannel) Taking a page from Netflix's monthly ISP Speed Index, Google has begun to track and publicize results showing how well U.S. broadband providers are performing when it comes to streaming YouTube videos at HD quality.
Around The Industry
Amazon Prime to Offer Music Streaming (BuzzFeed) The online retailer has been promising a streaming music service and now it looks like that plan is progressing for a summer launch. But what are the details?