Quote of the Day: "My father left when I was quite young. Well actually, he was asked to leave. He had trouble metabolizing alcohol." ~ George Carlin
On this Day: In 1993, CERN released the source code of the World Wide Web to the public.
Sports Editing on the Fly Editing for sports used to be all about providing highlights after the game. Not anymore. Another kind of sports editing is catching fire. It began at the largest events and is trickling down to a broader market. It is about editing sports action and clips for replay within the event itself.
Unlocking Software-Defined Storage ~ by Karl Paulsen Just when you thought you'd had your fill of three-letter-acronyms, on comes yet another TRL; this time it's "SDS" or software-defined storage. While SDS emerged as a data-center/cloudcentric term, its history is straight out of other evolving software-defined systems.
Measuring Content for CALM Compliance ~ by Jay Yeary The CALM Act is nothing new, especially to those who have been working on loudness management for years. The general assumption is that everyone "gets it" now, yet I continue to encounter others who don't fully understand the rule and find themselves floundering with aspects of implementation, typically with measurement.
"Achieving Maximum Accuracy in Video Quality Measurement," from Video Clarity is a white paper focused on helping content originators and distributors understand a method to ensure that viewers get the best quality of experience, advertisers are satisfied, and regulations are met.
"Selecting Next-Generation Video Servers," from Rohde and Schwarz examines the rapid pace of technology development and the incorporation of information technology into broadcast and the broadcast operating environment.
"Hybrid Software as a Service," from Signiant discusses how businesses of all sizes are capitalizing on new modes of computing and software delivery—including software as a service and hybrid SaaS—that let them achieve a new level of results with less technology investment.
"Beyond CALM," from Linear Acoustic offers a comprehensive, beginning-to-end approach to measuring and controlling loudness.