Radio World NewsBytes: FCC Decides on JSAs; Towers Collapse in New England
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Top Stories - 03.31.14
FCC Acts on Television JSAs The agency voted to place restrictions on Joint Sales Agreements for television, putatively to make it harder for one company to dominate ad sales in a market through the agreements.
Two Berkshire Towers Collapse High winds and heavy rain are being blamed for the collapse of two towers in Massachusetts over the weekend that affected broadcast, cell and Internet service.
"This American Life" Considers Self-Distribution (N.Y. Times) Ira Glass, the host and executive producer of "This American Life," said the show would soon start talks with several distributors, after its deal with PRI was not renewed. But, he added, "self-distribution" is a serious option.
KWON Wins Station of the Year ( At the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters convention, the station won Small Market Station of the Year for the fifth time. It also picked up a public service award.
Radio Station Scoops Money From the Fire (CTV) Milking their 15 minutes of fame for all its worth, Calgary's CKMP(FM) reversed course on burning more money and has "saved" $10,000 for a contest winner and another $10K to be donated to a children's hospital charity.