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|  |  |  | | March 2014 | Ten guitar and bass reviews, including gear from Boss, Ampeg, Fender, Rainger FX, Magnatone, and Taylor, as well as interviews with Mogwai and Preston Reed. Plus, we dissect Keith Urban's current rig, take a look at the Rolling Stones' iconic gear, pick the brain of Klon creator Bill Finnegan, show off 10 A-list stomp stations, and more! |  |  | READ ONLINE FOR FREE |  |  | DOWNLOAD OUR APPS |  |  | GET A PRINT SUBSCRIPTION | | |  |  |  |  |  | Enter to Win a Tech 21 Boost Overdrive | Designed and built from the ground up using the best, individually selected, hand-biased discreet components, each all-analog unit delivers optimized performance with studio-quiet operation. Alongside a wealth of hot driven tones, there's also an incredible 21 dB of clean boost that can be used independent of the effect. | Enter to Win... | | |
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