Today's Top Stories | #1 | Two charts that show how crappy US broadband is | | by Stacey Higginbotham, Giga Om | | The U.S. is taking a beating in the price and performance of broadband in a recent series of charts issued by research firm Point Topic. It ranks 58 out of 90 countries for cost of broadband. More» Why This Matters: These charts provide more reasons to be concerned about our future businesses models under Broadband Provider rule. For many of the new AV possibilities, broadband is the life's blood. Having said that, when the internet as we know it no longer cuts it, maybe that becomes its own opportunity. –Cynthia Wisehart | | #2 | How it works: MIT's inFORM 3D dynamic shape display | | by Darren Orf, Popular Mechanics | | Two MIT PhD students, Daniel Leithinger and Sean Follmer, introduced an eye-catching project from the MIT Media Lab: A table built with motors, linkages and pins, that can render a person physically in real time via a digital source. More» Why This Matters: These MIT researcher have found a way to allow people in one place to interact with three-dimensional versions of people or objects in a different location. You may have heard about it late last year; here's Popular Mechanics explaining it and here's MIT's own link. –Cynthia Wisehart | | #3 | Beijing watches fake sunrise on video screen amid smog emergency | | via Huffington Post | | Amid a thick grey haze, the giant LED video screens in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Thursday beamed out images of the rising sun. The severe smog this week is the worst China has seen since January 2013. Similar images circulated then, when the LED screens in Tiananmen Square broadcast clear blue skies during an air pollution crisis that was termed the "Airpocalypse". More » Why This Matters: This is it. The strangest and most cynical ProAV application. (Kind of like putting clean air and sunshine in a zoo—if zoos had high-resolution video of the animals). -Cynthia Wisehart |
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