TWC Unveils Three-Year Ops Plan Time Warner Cable came out with both guns blazing Thursday morning, unveiling a three-year plan to bring the cable giant back to positive customer growth through a mixture of better customer service, better products and more efficient operations.more
Viacom Reports Higher Earnings In Q1 Viacom reported higher first-quarter earnings Thursday as its cable networks continued to rebound.more
NBCU, Comcast Offer Targeted Advertising Jumping into the advance advertising business, Comcast and NBCUniversal introduced a suite of advertising products offering addressability and advanced analytics. more
H Block Bidding Nears $1 Billion With 27 rounds under its belt, the FCC's H block auction has drawn over $913.8 million in bids for the vast majority (169) of the 176 licenses up for auction.more
NFL Now to Offer Fans Personalized Video Streams America's most popular sport will kick off a new personalized video network, NFL Now, next summer, prior to the start of the 2014 preseason. Replete with select in-game highlights and highlights/videos produced by NFL Media, the ad-supported NFL Now will be a video-on-demand outlet of sorts allowing the user to keep abreast of the 32-team league or focus on his/her favorite club and fantasy players.more