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Radio World NewsBytes: Read the New eBook “LPFM 2014"


Read the New eBook "LPFM 2014"
We're at a time of great change on the U.S. FM band, with the Federal Communications Commission moving to approve hundreds — perhaps thousands — of new low-power stations. Read Radio World's special eBook here, including a special "how to" report for LPFM newbies.
Top Stories - 01.01.14

One World Trade Center Prepares for Station Tenants
Radio World Editor in Chief Paul McLane visits the facility where the Durst Organization hopes to attract radio and TV transmitters.

Entercom Donates Oregon AM
KWOD is latest to benefit the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council.

News & Technology
FCC: FCC Rejects KTIA's Move Nearer to Des Moines
BUSINESS: Golf Channel Inks Deal With SiriusXM
DIGITAL: Hong Kong Communications Authority Notes DAB Investment
PROGRAMMING: Cousin Brucie Plans Remote
EVENTS: NAB Show to Host Symposium at Mobile World Congress
NEW ISSUE: Read the Jan. 1 Radio World Digital Edition
Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
Turning Up the Outdoors
Sound informs our experience of places and events; it can affect perception, sense of direction, and even emotions. Out-of-doors, sound is influenced by a multitude of factors, including unpredictable echoes, atmospheric conditions, and many others.

Around the Industry

Emergency Alert System May Go Commercial (Mashable)
FEMA issues a "request for information" asking for ideas for "highly reliable and highly available application and data center services (to) support IPAWS-OPEN."

Ruling in SESAC Case Cuts Both Ways (Billboard)
It's one step in an ongoing fight involving radio music licenses.

Will Streaming Music Services Ever Make Money? (CNET)
As the author states: "Not a bad turnout for a business where nearly no one makes money."

Can the FCC Handle Phone Service Over the Internet? (FHH Blog)
"Slowly and carefully, the FCC is circling around a problem that may be its hardest ever … nothing less than a remake of the U.S. telephone system, all 120 million phones and 1.5 billion miles of wire." So writes Mitchell Lazarus of Fletcher Heald & Hildreth.

Calendar of Events
Consumer Telematics Show
Jan. 6
Las Vegas

2014 International CES
Jan. 7–10
Las Vegas

MMTC 5th Annual Broadband and Social Justice Summit
Jan. 15–16

Wisconsin Broadcasters Assoc. Social Media Session
& First Annual WBA Tweetup

Jan. 21
Madison, Wis.

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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