วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2557

Bonded Cellular: Getting the Best Shots

Brought to you by: TV Technology Magazine serving the Broadcast, Production, Broadband, Satellite and Mobile Markets
Top Stories - 01.30.14
Deborah McAdams - Executive Editor
Quote of the Day: "In the fight between you and the world, back the world." ~ Frank Zappa
On this Day: In 2000, Super Bowl XXXIV was the first to be broadcast in high-definition.
Bonded Cellular: Getting the Best Shots
Cellular live-shot systems have, in just a few years, become all the rage in the television news world. While news crews learn-while-they-earn in the field with live-shot units, the cellular live-shot system makers have chimed in with some universal tips on gaining more success with cellular video transmission.

Card Storage: Speed Writing Trumps Reading
So I'm shoppin' for accessories for that sweet little helmet-cam I just bought to record all my pie-eating triumphs at the annual Festa San' Guido. (Pizza pie, of course.) At the top of my accessory list: storage.

The Art of the Mired Measurement ~ by Jay Holben
In a recent lecture on lighting, I had a student ask me about mireds and I saw the blank and quizzical faces of his fellow students at the mere mention of the word. It occurred to me that the beauty of mireds might be somewhat of a lost art, but they're incredibly useful to understand, and a great follow-up to last month's column on maintaining color temperature on-the-fly.

News & Technology
EVENT: NAB Announces Lineup for Mobile World Symposium
BUSINESS: LIN Media Announces Agreement to Acquire Federated Media
GRAPHICS: WWAY-TV Picks Vizrt for Virtual Studio
SPORTS: Bannister Lake Offers Score Bug Solution
USER REPORT: The Flashpoint DSLR/DV Cinema Bundle Camera Rig

Industry Roundup
Super Bowls Tickets Are 'Cheap;' Weather Isn't Only Reason (NPR)
NYC Police Step Up Surveillance on Eve of Super Bowl (Government Video)
H-Block Surpasses $456 Million After 12 Rounds (Broadcast Law Blog)
Average Internet Speeds, Mobile Data Consumption, and Attacks Are All Rising (MIT Technology Review)
Samsung Bringing Netflix 4K to Europe (Advanced Television)

TV Technology White Papers

"Understanding the ROI of Media Asset Management Systems," from Avid explores how much time and money a MAM system can save a business.
"Selecting Next-Generation Video Servers," from Rohde and Schwarz examines the rapid pace of technology development and the incorporation of information technology into broadcast and the broadcast operating environment.
"Hybrid Software as a Service," from Signiant discusses how businesses of all sizes are capitalizing on new modes of computing and software delivery—including software as a service and hybrid SaaS—that let them achieve a new level of results with less technology investment.
"Beyond CALM," from Linear Acoustic offers a comprehensive, beginning-to-end approach to measuring and controlling loudness.
"Efficiency is the Key Factor When Choosing a High-Power Broadcast Transmitter," from Rohde and Schwarz discusses the pros and cons of energy-conserving transmitter technologies.


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