Quote of the Day: "In the fight between you and the world, back the world." ~ Frank Zappa
On this Day: In 2000, Super Bowl XXXIV was the first to be broadcast in high-definition.
Bonded Cellular: Getting the Best Shots Cellular live-shot systems have, in just a few years, become all the rage in the television news world. While news crews learn-while-they-earn in the field with live-shot units, the cellular live-shot system makers have chimed in with some universal tips on gaining more success with cellular video transmission.
Card Storage: Speed Writing Trumps Reading So I'm shoppin' for accessories for that sweet little helmet-cam I just bought to record all my pie-eating triumphs at the annual Festa San' Guido. (Pizza pie, of course.) At the top of my accessory list: storage.
The Art of the Mired Measurement ~ by Jay Holben In a recent lecture on lighting, I had a student ask me about mireds and I saw the blank and quizzical faces of his fellow students at the mere mention of the word. It occurred to me that the beauty of mireds might be somewhat of a lost art, but they're incredibly useful to understand, and a great follow-up to last month's column on maintaining color temperature on-the-fly.
"Selecting Next-Generation Video Servers," from Rohde and Schwarz examines the rapid pace of technology development and the incorporation of information technology into broadcast and the broadcast operating environment.
"Hybrid Software as a Service," from Signiant discusses how businesses of all sizes are capitalizing on new modes of computing and software delivery—including software as a service and hybrid SaaS—that let them achieve a new level of results with less technology investment.
"Beyond CALM," from Linear Acoustic offers a comprehensive, beginning-to-end approach to measuring and controlling loudness.