วันอังคารที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Radio World NewsBytes: Rane Pays FCC in Settlement


Happy New Year From Radio World!
Top Stories - 12.31.13

Rane, FCC Reach Detente
The maker of professional audio and live sound devices will pay $61,500; the commission will end a marketing investigation.

Foundation Helps Broadcasters in Need
"What about when it's the radio engineer, the morning show producer or the afternoon air talent that falls on hard times? This is when the Broadcasters Foundation of America steps in." Read what Jim Thompson has to say.

News & Technology
NEWS: CPB Funds New Local Journalism Center
ROOTS: National VOA Museum of Broadcasting Board Retains Members
PROGRAMMING: Radio Helps Out on Typhoon Relief
PEOPLE: SBE Taps Owens for Education Director
WHO'S BUYING WHAT: Audioarts Engineering Sells 10 Air-1 Consoles
Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
2014 Will Be the Year That Nomophobia Consumes Us All
Nomophobia: The fear of not being mobile connected due to lack of battery, loss of signal or losing a device.
Around the Industry

Savage Will Hold Forth on WABC 3-6 p.m.
Part of the big talk show switcheroo going on in New York.

Radio Host Helps Homeless Veterans (Wausau Daily Herald)
A note of appreciation.

Put a Radio Gift in That Stocking (Radio World)
In case you missed our last-minute gift idea article (or if you need ideas for next year).

Calendar of Events
Applications Due for Feb. 7–17, 2014
SBE Certification Exams

Dec. 31
Local Chapters

Consumer Telematics Show

Jan. 6
Las Vegas

2014 International CES
Jan. 7–10
Las Vegas

MMTC 5th Annual Broadband and Social Justice Summit
Jan. 15–16

Wisconsin Broadcasters Assoc. Social Media Session
& First Annual WBA Tweetup

Jan. 21
Madison, Wis.

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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