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CE Newswire - 12.31.13

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Today's Top 3 Stories
#1 With Reported Price Cut, Is 2014 the Year for Google Glass?
  Most analysts agree that while Google Glass is revolutionary in numerous ways, its potential for success in 2014 is not significant. A $600 price tag is far better than $1,500, but in an economy where every consumer needs to consider the value of every purchase, Google Glass and other wearable technologies do not seem so important. (Sci-Tech Today)
Why This Is Important: 2014 could prove to be a line in the sand for a great deal of wearable technology. If consumers fail to embrace it, it may have trouble later down the road generating nearly as much buzz.

#2 Record Number Of Apps Downloaded On Christmas But Growth Slowing
  When it comes to app downloads, no day is more important than Christmas. (LA Times)
Why This Is Important: Fewer people are new mobile device users, so many consumers already have a cache of apps they depend upon.

#3 Apple's Stock Performance Cost Tim Cook $4 Million, at His Insistence
  Apple CEO Tim Cook's pay took a US$4 million hit in Apple's fiscal 2013, and it was his idea. (MacObserver)
Why This Is Important: The move shows an excellent level of integrity and where Cook places his priorities. On the flip side he did take home about $4 million from other salary sources at Apple.

4. Facebook May Be Out of Fashion But It Isn't Dead (The Telegraph)

5. This Is 2013 On Social Media (The Telegraph)

6. Imagine Streaming PC Games to Your Wii U GamePad — These Hackers Did (Time)

7. Archos has a lot to show at CES (Fudzilla)

8. Ballmer's nightmare: Chromebooks saw huge business sales growth in 2013 (BGR)

9. 10 most innovative electronics products of 2013 (Yahoo News)

10. Netflix CEO Hastings gets 50% pay hike for 2014 (CNN)

"We're moving from engineering computing systems to something that has many of the characteristics of biological computing," said Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist who directs the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, one of many research centers devoted to developing these new kinds of computer circuits. 

Blog Post of The Day
Disruptions: Coming in 2014: Extremely Smart Watches and Wearable TVs

By Nick Bilton
For technological innovation, 2013 was a remarkably boring year. Apple, often the hotbed of "new," mostly just updated familiar devices in different colors and with crisper screens. More »

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