วันจันทร์ที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Cables and Connectors

Tech Showcase - December 30, 2013

Cables and Connectors
By Mike McIntyre, CTS-D, EST-L2+
If you have ever wondered what the most important part of any integrated AV system is, I have that answer for you: All of it! However, you can't have a high-performance system with anything less than high-quality cabling and connectors. From our old established friends such as XLR and 3.5mm stereo cables to a maturing HDMI and DisplayPort world, we all depend on these components to get the full functionality out of the devices to which they are connected. In this showcase, we will take a look at some of the best of those aforementioned components along with bulk cabling and connectors. More »


Sony DWZ-B70HL/DWZ-M70 Digital Wireless Systems Review
Reviewer: John McJunkin
Digital wireless is nothing new—we've had it for quite a while now as a matter of fact. But historically, it has tended toward being a bit complex and not necessarily friendly to the inexperienced. The benefits of digital wireless are so numerous and substantial that it's clearly worth the effort to adapt it to a package that is more affordable and less intimidating and easier to operate for end users who aren't seasoned 20-year professionals with a degrees in digital audio and RF engineering. I exaggerate for effect, but to a greenhorn AV technician, it doesn't matter how far beyond his or her understanding a device's operation lands—they simply can't make it work the right way, particularly in advanced applications requiring numerous channels of audio. More »

New Christie Q Series 1-chip DLP Delivers Up to 10,000 Lumens »
Kramer Introduces the VP−794, 8−Input Universal Live Events Scaler/Switcher/Blend & Warp for Projection & LED Videowalls »
PreSonus Ships Innovative StudioLive AI-series Active Integration PA Loudspeakers »

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