วันพุธที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Save the date: Multicultural TV Summit & Leadership Awards, Feb. 4, NYC

The Multicultural TV Summit is the signature conference that focuses on sustaining the growing business of video for audiences defined by ethnicity, nationality, region, culture, religious affiliation, gender or LGBT lifestyle.

This year's conference features three roundtables and three keynote presentations, including one by a leading authority on multicultural consumers. The panelists and keynoters are senior executives in advertising, programming, distribution and marketing.

The event concludes with the Leadership Awards Luncheon and Presentation Ceremony which recognizes executives for their extraordinary business leadership. Judging is currently underway and this year's winners will be announced soon.



Cristina Saralegui
Journalist and Television Personality
Host of "Cristina Entre Amigos" on Cristina Radio/SiriusXM channel 153
Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III
Pastor of the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church in the City of New York
President, the State University of New York College at Old Westbury
Ambassador Sandra Fuentes-Berain
Consul General of Mexico in New York
Eliot Kang
Founder of Asian American agency, Kang & Lee
CEO of INMOST Partners LLC
Anjula Acharia Bath
Desi Hits!
Dave Montez
Acting President of GLAAD
Wade Davis
Former NFL player
Executive Director, You Can Play Project
Pepper Miller
Co-author, "What's Black About It"
Author, "Black Still Matters in Marketing"
President of the Hunter-Miller Group
Bob Kumaki
Author, "Many Cultures One Market: A Guide to Understanding Opportunities in The Asian Pacific Market"
Managing Principal of The Ronin Group
Rabbi Dr. Marc A. Gellman, Ph.D.
Syndicated Columnist
Senior Rabbi of Temple Beth Torah
Melville, Long Island

Register Today: multiculturaltvsummit.com

For speaking opportunities, contact Joe Schramm at 212-983-0219, jschramm@schrammnyc.com

For sponsorship opportunities, contact Jason Greenblatt at 917-281-4726, jgreenblatt@nbmedia.com

For registration inquiries, contact Jennifer Ware at 917-281-4718, jware@nbmedia.com

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