วันอังคารที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Radio World NewsBytes: NTIA Welcomes Spectrum Deal; See LPFM Applications on Google


Bob Kempf on Digital Strategy
At the helm of "digital services" for National Public Radio, Kempf is pushing his organization and its member stations to embrace the changing landscape. Read the interview in Radio World's new eBook "Streaming for Radio Broadcasters."
Top Stories - 11.26.13
Upton, Walden Welcome Spectrum Deal
House Energy and Commerce Committee and Communications and Technology Subcommittee leaders welcomed the NTIA's endorsement of an agreement between the Department of Defense and NAB on the relocation of government spectrum.

See LPFM Applications Using Google Earth
Engineering consultancy Cavell Mertz has taken application data from the recent LPFM window and layered it onto Google Earth. It's a handy tool for finding out who your LPFM neighbors might be.
News & Technology
FCC: New Chief of Staff for Commissioner Clyburn
FCC: NRB Makes Plea for Appeal Reform
COMMUNITY: WGN Radio to Host Illinois Tornado Relief Day
APPS: WCSX Goes Hunting
EVENTS: VAB Hall of Fame Banquet Tickets Available
WHO'S BUYING WHAT: Wheatstone Announces International Sales
PRODUCTS: StreamGuys Highlights HTML5 Player
Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
Taking Off the Training Wheels (Sound Contractor News)
Is there a secret to designing useful tools? How important is it to design tools and systems that are easy-to-use? Is design overrated or the key to success?
Around the Industry
Broadcasters, DoD Strike Deal on Sharing BAS Band (B&C)
Expanding on the top story above — broadcasters and the Defense Dept. have come to an agreement on sharing spectrum in the Broadcast Auxiliary Service (BAS) band (2025–2110 MHz), the spectrum broadcast journalists use to transmit breaking news stories back to the station.

Review: Theorem 720 DAC (IEEE Spectrum)
Here's a gadget designed to improve the audio output of iPods and iPhones. For stations with DJs who insist upon connecting their iToys and using them to play "That great song I just downloaded from iTunes…"

When Radio Stations Turn Mickey Mouse (Stockton Record)
One of the former owners of Silverado Broadcasting, once a power in Stockton, Calif., died last week. That person was Diane Disney Miller, the daughter of Walt Disney.

Tongue Electrode Lets You Taste Flavor That Isn't There (CNET)
Just in time for Thanksgiving! (Perhaps Thanksgivings of the future since it isn't quite perfected yet but the idea is right.)
Calendar of Events
VAB Hall of Fame Banquet
Dec. 7
Burlington, Vt.

Applications Due for Feb. 7–17, 2014
SBE Certification Exams

Dec. 31
Local Chapters

Consumer Telematics Show

Jan. 6
Las Vegas

2014 International CES
Jan. 7–10
Las Vegas

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.

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