วันจันทร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

NRB, Vendors, Vote Against Competitive Bidding and Bulk Pricing

Brought to you by: TV Technology Magazine serving the Broadcast, Production, Broadband, Satellite and Mobile Markets
Top Stories - 11.04.13
Deborah McAdams - Executive Editor
Quote of the Day: "I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult." ~ Rita Rudner
On this Day: In 2010, Kinect for Xbox 360 was released.
NRB, Vendors, Vote Against Competitive Bidding and Bulk Pricing
The FCC has proposed several parameters, including bulk purchasing, volume discounts, channel- and facility sharing. Channel-sharing was mentioned in the National Broadband Plan. Virtually no broadcasters have publicly expressed interest in doing it.

FCC Adopts New Rules to Improve Video Device Accessibility
The Federal Communications Commission has adopted rules that will enable people who are blind or visually impaired to have easier access to digital video programming on multiple platforms.

Tom Wheeler Confirmed as FCC Chairman
Cruz had held up the Wheeler nomination on objections that, based on past statements, he was afraid that Wheeler would attempt to enforce disclosure requirements on political ads without Congressional authority.
News & Technology
BUSINESS: Rohde & Schwarz Tops €2 Billion Mark in Incoming Orders
EDU: IEEE BTS Training Seminar Set for Dec. 4-5 in Arlington
BUSINESS: More Time to Comment on Nielsen-Arbitron Deal
4KTV: Marshall Introduces 2/4K Quad-Viewer Monitor
FCC: Indecency Complaints Drop in Q1
Industry Roundup
4K Content Growing (B&C)
MPR Charges its Partner Swindles Them Out of $315,000 or More in a Co-location Deal (Wireless Emulator)
Samsung Unseats Apple In J.D. Power Satisfaction Survey (Radio World)
Sprint Sparks Up Vendors for Faster 4G LTE (Light Reading)
TV News Cameras Can Film in Some U.K. Courts, Can't Be Pointed at Anyone Interesting (engadget)
TV Technology White Papers
NEW: "Hybrid Software as a Service," from Signiant discusses how businesses of all sizes are capitalizing on new modes of computing and software delivery—including software as a service and hybrid SaaS—that let them achieve a new level of results with less technology investment.
"Beyond CALM," from Linear Acoustic offers a comprehensive, beginning-to-end approach to measuring and controlling loudness.
"Efficiency is the Key Factor When Choosing a High-Power Broadcast Transmitter," from Rohde and Schwarz discusses the pros and cons of energy-conserving transmitter technologies.


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