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CareerBuilder and EMSI Release Hottest Areas for Health Care Jobs

This Week's Top Story - 11.01.13
CareerBuilder and EMSI Release Hottest Areas for Health Care Jobs
Health care is the nation's largest private-sector industry sector, accounting for 13 percent of the total U.S. workforce. More»
This Week's News
Primeview Expands 4K UHD Display Line
Primeview USA has made three new additions to its commercial grade UHD 4K LED LCD line of large format LCD displays with HDBASET embedded. More»

Barco Presents to Impress with its Latest Collaborative Projector Solutions
by Brent Korson
Barco, a global design and technology company, revealed its sleek new projector line this Wednesday in a New York showroom with the Present, Collaborate, and Impress models. More»
Survey of the Week
Which trend will have the most impact on your business in 2014? »
This Week's Business Feature
As the St. Jude Storm Looms, Consider Mobile Enterprise Apps
As severe weather warnings continue across the UK, organizational productivity is likely to suffer as employees struggle to gain access to key business applications beyond email. More»
Quote of the Week
"The health care sector makes up at least 15 percent of the total workforce in nine states and 20 of the most populous metros. It is a major source of employment across markets, that is expected to grow significantly over the next five to ten years. More people have access to health benefits, people are living longer and technological advancements are creating new opportunities in medicine every day."
Jason Lovelace, President, CareerBuilder Health Care »

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