วันพุธที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Panasonic UHD, Barco FL33, WiFi is safe, router combines internal and mobile networks for speed gains

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Today's Top Stories
#1 Panasonic gets up close with UHD demo
  by Greg Tarr, Twice
  Panasonic declared its intentions to defend its share of the U.S. market from a host of new Ultra High-Definition TV players by giving the press an up-close look at its just-launched 65-inch L65WT600 Ultra HD edge-lit LED LCD TV. More»
Why This Matters: My NewBay colleague Greg Tarr on site for the Panasonic UHD demo. -Cynthia Wisehart

#2 Enter the 2013 Most Innovative Products Awards
  via SVC Online
  The 2013 Sound & Video Contractor Innovative Products Awards honor electronic and mechanical innovation across the full range of ProAV products. To be eligible for an award, the product must be designed for the professional AV market and have shipped between October 15th, 2012, and October 15th, 2013. Manufacturers can enter up to 5 products for consideration before Friday, November 1st, 2013 by 10pm PST. More»
Why This Matters: Winners will be selected by the readers of SVC and ProAV Today. -Cynthia Wisehart

#3 This standing desk knows when you need to sit down
  by Dani Fankhauser, Mashable
  Los Angeles-based company Stir announced the Stir Kinetic Desk on Thursday, an adjustable-height desk with a tiny computer brain inside. While the concept of an adjustable-height desk isn't new (and such desks are provided to employees by some larger tech companies), the Stir goes a step further. The adjustment is mechanical — to raise or lower the desk height, just double-tap a touch screen — and the desk will learn your habits. More»
Why This Matters: It looks like an iDesk. It's much easier to use than the piece of upside-down bookshelf I put on top of my desk when I want to stand. If you use a standing desk—or make them—check it out. -Cynthia Wisehart

4. Barco and projectiondesign release lamp-free 1000 lumens FL33 LED projector (via InAVate)

5. Toshiba to axe 3000 jobs and close two display factories (via InAVate)

6. FAA panel endorses WiFi as safe for takeoff and landing (WSJ via Venture Beat)

7. Cobb Cinemas set to expand Barco immersive sound (via Installation-International)

8. New router combines your home and mobile networks into one faster pipe (Jon Brodkin, Ars Technica)

9. MIT whizzes create an amazing new 3-D printing technique (like Lego) (Joseph Flaherty, Wired)

10. From the Wire@SVCOnline: Transmit HDMI and RS2323 up to 230 ft (70m) via one Cat5/6 cable

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