Netflix has opened the floodgates on "Super HD," its library of 1080p and 3D titles that previously were available only to subscribers who obtained broadband service from ISPs that are members of Open Connect, Netflix's private edge network caching platform.
The push is on to promote radio in new Sprint smartphone models that come with the free NextRadio App. Some 13,000 people had launched the NextRadio app on their Sprint HTC One and HTC Evo smartphones as of early September.
Motion Theory (MTh) directors Grady Hall and Mark Kudsi teamed up with postproduction and effects studio Mirada and Katy Perry on the music video for "Roar."
Intel Media's aspiring shot at creating a "virtual" MSO is in jeopardy of missing its 2013 launch window and is facing the possibility of having the project shut down.
Corporations use AV for public-facing communication and for internal workflow. The bar is rising on both those fronts; AV is taking a more critical role in corporate goals whether for efficiency, collaboration, sales, customer relations, or marketing.
A "cross media" study found that TV and digital advertising work well together, though one type of advertising tends to do a better job of luring new buyers while the other is adept at driving sales from existing customers.