Brainworx ENGL Guitar Amplifier Plug-ins for UAD By Rich Tozzoli for Pro Audio Review I’m a sucker for guitar amps. Actually, allow me to clarify: I’m a sucker for really good guitar amps. I’m talking about the kind that I plug into, hit a few notes, and say, “yeah, that’s it—let’s roll.” And if that guitar amp just happens to be in plug-in form, I’m fine with that—as long as it delivers the goods.
When I saw that Brainworx was releasing a pair of ENGL Amplifier plug-ins for the UAD platform, I have to admit I was excited. But as we all know, ones and zeroes are not tubes, so I broke out a few of my favorite axes and took those digits for a spin. To read the full review, subscribe to Pro Audio Review »