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B&C TODAY: Digital Dollars: New Prize in the Retrans Battlefield

Top Stories - September 3, 2013
Digital Dollars: New Prize in the Retrans Battlefield
SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE Tussles over digital rights in retrans negotiations like Time Warner Cable-CBS could lead to TV Nowhere More

CBS, Time Warner Cable Make Deal, Ending Blackout
Service restored after month-long dispute More

D.C. On Retrans: It's Not Our Problem…Yet
SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE Bully pulpit-prodding, rather than regulation or legislation, remains the Washington approach to retransmission consent battles More

NBCU Owned Stations President Staab Renews Contract
Group chief aims to continue progress of NBC's local TV outfit More


Incentive Auctions: Hanging on Every Word SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

Editorial: Hang Together SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE
Editorial: Unfair Surprise SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

Clyburn: Media Companies Need to Avoid CBS/TWC-Like Disputes


Station Newsrooms the Setting for Sitcom Rookies SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

Market Eye: Hot 'Lanta Cooking As WSB Turns Up the Heat SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

Tribune Broadcast Revenue Down 20%


McPherson Seeks More Carriage for Kid-TV Net SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

Verizon to Buy Vodafone's Stake in Verizon Wireless for $130 Billion


Scripted Shows Shift Summer's Ratings Tide SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

Time Warner Cable Adds Longhorn Network

A&E Cancels 'The Glades'

ESPN Draws 3.1M Viewers for College Football Opening Night


New 'Oz' Prescription: Add Fun to Regimen SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

West Sends Ratings North for Twentieth's 'Kris' SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE


Fast, Cheap and More in Control SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

High-Efficiency Compression Gets the IBC Buzz SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE

CIMM, SMPTE to Partner on Digital Content Identification


Chris Sloan: Student of TV Learns To Forge His Own Path SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE


Mosko in Moscow, And Worlds Beyond SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE


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Director of Human Resources - KMSP Fox 9 - Eden Prairie, MN

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