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Radio World NewsBytes: Radio World NewsBytes: Another FCC Nomination; Pirate Dies in Accident


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Top Stories - 08.02.13

Industry Reacts to Latest FCC Nomination
The White House said that President Obama intends to nominate Republican Congressional staffer Michael O'Rielly to fill the slot left by former FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell. He looks to have considerable political and industry support.

Would-Be Florida Pirate Killed
Authorities say Jean Roselet Adelphonse died this week while trying to install a roof antenna that touched a power line.

News & Technology
ANNIVERSARY: Rush — 25 Syndicated Years Later
PEOPLE: Deggans Named NPR's First Full-Time TV Critic
PEOPLE: WBGU DJ Wins Best U.S./Canada Music Show Contest
COMMUNITY: Friday Is Kidd Kraddick Kidd's Kids Day
EVENTS: WBA Broadcasters Clinic Offers Depth for Engineers
AFFILIATES: 300 for NBC Sports Radio
Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
Digital Radio Continues Gaining Popularity in U.K. (Radio)
Connect 2 Media & Entertainment features a mix of tech content, conversation and curation. Here: Recent audience measurements look to be indicating that DAB digital radio in the United Kingdom is getting traction.

Juicy Jobs
Video Edge Seeks Technical Editor
Radio World's new sister publication, Video Edge, has an opening for a Technical Editor. Get in on the ground floor of this new publication and website covering all facets of video — broadcast, IP, Web, mobile and whatever the future brings tomorrow. Bonus — work with cool NewBay Media people. See here for details.
Around the Industry

NAB's Smith Praises Rush's Mic Protection Bill (B&C)
The National Association of Broadcasters is backing Rep. Bobby Rush's Wireless Microphone Users Interference Protection Act of 2013, which would create two "safe haven" channels for wireless mics and otherwise attempt to shield them from interference in the FCC-repacked spectrum world.

ICar Dream Downsizes as Apple Takes on Foes (Bloomberg)
Steve Jobs' Apple never got around to making an iCar. However, as Apple turns its eye to the automobile, reality sets in.

Critic's Notebook: Pandora Radio Let Me Down (Washington Post)
The writer upbraids the Internet music service for its inability to satisfy her desire to listen to the works of Benjamin Britten.

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Build rockets and test them out — successfully or in a glorious fireball of failure — all in a simulator. Plan more ambitious space missions as your rocketeering skill grows. Free demo!

Calendar of Events

2013 NABJ Convention and Career Fair
July 31–Aug. 4
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
Kissimmee, Fla.

ABA Engineering Academy Radio Broadcast Engineering Classes
Aug. 5–9
Hoover, Ala.

Tennessee Assoc. of Broadcasters 65th Annual Conference
Aug. 6–7
Murfreesboro, Tenn.

SBE Certification Exams
Aug. 9–19
(Deadline June 1, 2013)
Local Chapters

SBE Leadership Development Course
Aug. 13–15

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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