Quote of the Day: "After an access cover has been secured by 16 hold-down screws, it will be discovered that the gasket has been omitted." ~ Da le Lastra's Corollary
On this Day: In 1953, KCPQ-TV commenced broadcasting in Seattle.
Do We Really Need the FCC? ~ by Mario Orazio Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've sworn a foul oath and wished for the demise of "the Commish," I'd be up to my navel in nickels.
National News Net on Deck for Sinclair "To buy a full-blown news operation in our nation's capital and an infrastructure that allows us to be connected to our branches of government and be at the pulse of national issues is a once-in-a lifetime event," said David Smith, president and CEO of Sinclair.
CEA Study Says Seven Percent of TV Households Use Antennas The CEA's estimate stands in contrast to figures released by media analysts at GfK, publisher of The Home Technology Monitor. GfK found that 19.3 percent of American households—as many as 60 million Americans—rely exclusively on over-the-air TV.
"Transmission System Total Cost of Ownership," from Harris provides an overview on reducing overall transmission facility costs of ownership. Multiple factors must be considered.