วันพุธที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

TRANSLATION PLEASE: Best of the NCTA’s Tech Papers, Part 2


Best of the NCTA's Tech Papers, Part 2
As promised: More tasty tech nuggets from this year's compilation of Technical Forum papers, selected and aggregated by the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers. More»

Best of NCTA Tech Papers: Part I
If you're into big, chewy technical documents that occasionally reveal as much in strategy as they do in tech-speak, run — don't walk — to the annual Spring Technical Forum papers, put out by the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers. More»

Taking a Gaze Into The Future of Television
It wouldn't be a gorgeous summer week in San Francisco without the TV of Tomorrow show, and it wouldn't be Tracy Swedlow's show without nine people (not including her) on the closing panel. More»

Scrums, Shims and Uncommitted Chickens
It was bound to happen: Cloud-speak intersecting with cable-speak, including this one: The "Web services shim," which also goes by "compatibility shim," and just plain "shim." More»

Tech News Beyond Cable Show Headlines
As expected, the "cloud," Gigabit services and the Reference Design Kit led the tech headlines at this year's Cable Show. Given that you've likely read plenty about them by now, this week's translation will drop in on the rest of the tech scene. More»

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