FCC to Conduct H-Block Auctions By January 2014 The U.S. government said it would conduct auctions of licenses in the 1915-1920 MHz (Lower H Block) and 1995-2000 MHz (Upper H Block) by Jan. 14, 2014, more than a year before the deadline for those auctions set by Congress. More »
NATOA Urges FCC to Require Cable Providers Carry Descriptions of PEG Programs The National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors has joined with two other groups in urging the U.S. government to require cable operators to carry public, education and government channel programming descriptions on their on-screen menus. More »
Government Video Website of the Week: the Rockaway Waterfront Alliance Through videos, the website for the Rockaway Waterfront Alliance — a government and privately supported program for underprivileged youths living on the peninsula of Rockaway, N.Y. – is telling the stories of how young people are coping with the devastation on their community, and their lives, caused by Hurricane Sandy. More »