วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Radio World NewsBytes: FM Chip Nearing Launch; Solving RDS Conundrums



Armstrong #1 With a Bullet
Our story on the unveiling of a plaque in Yonkers, N.Y., dedicated to Edwin Howard Armstrong is our most popular recent post. Spanning technologies, a study of the Internet radio audience and a look at helping the AM band follow. Pink Floyd's Pandora complaint and the theft of a West Virginia station's transmitter also proved popular.
Top Stories - 06.28.13
Smulyan Says FM Chip Announcement Close
The Emmis executive says that the FM/smartphone project will become a "watershed moment" for radio. He added that company net radio revenues were up 6% in Q1.

Fixes for Common RDS Problems
Alan Jurison continues his investigations into RDS. In this article he takes a look at frequent RDS problems and concerns. He has some solutions and suggestions. From Radio World.

News & Technology
BUSINESS: CNN Shutters Radio Unit
BUSINESS: WTOPer Questions NPR's New Building
FCC: Florida Pirates Arrested, Charged
LEGAL: Arbitron Refiles Renda Complaint
COMMUNITY: Bobby Bones Show Supports Red Cross Efforts
DIGITAL RADIO: Swedish Proposal Promotes Digital
RADIO SHOW: Dickey, Ryvicker Head Leadership Breakfast
INTERNET: Radionomy Announces Broadcaster Package
Today on Connect 2 Media & Entertainment
Tech Giants Beaten By Tech Teens (Mobile Entertainment)
We encourage you to visit Connect 2 Media & Entertainment and browse. This new site features a mix of tech content, conversation and curation relevant to your job in media and entertainment. You're sure to find something fascinating every time you visit. Here: Has a small startup beaten the big guys at building the first practical, functional smartwatch?

Around the Industry

Clyburn Presides Over Historic First Meeting (B&C)
Acting Chair Mignon Clyburn oversaw her first meeting, which started out with members issuing declarations of several historic firsts. Then it got down to its packed agenda, leading observers to note that Clyburn might be temporary but she'll be busy. 

CRTC Approves BCE's Bid (Bloomberg)
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has approved an application by Astral Media to sell its pay and specialty television channels, conventional television stations and radio stations to BCE Inc. 

NPR's Neal Conan Signs Off (National Public Radio)
The "Talk of the Nation" host signs off for the last time. The show is ending and Conan is leaving after 36 years. 

Japan to Launch Talking Robot Into Space (Mashable)
Kirobo, the petite talking robot from Japan, has booked a ride to the International Space Station. The anime-looking robot professes peace between humans and robots, but those who have seen the "Terminator" movies know better. 

Calendar of Events

Minority Media and Telecommunications Council's
Access to Capital and Telecom Policy Conference

July 9–10
Embassy Suites
Washington, D.C.

2013 NABJ Convention and Career Fair
July 31–Aug. 4
Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center
Kissimmee, Fla.

Tennessee Assoc. of Broadcasters 65th Annual Conference
Aug. 6–7
Murfreesboro, Tenn.

SBE Certification Exams
Aug. 9–19
(Deadline June 1, 2013)
Local Chapters

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.


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