วันพุธที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2567

TV Tech January 2024 Ebook: Sounding Off is Now Available


TV Tech January 2024 Ebook: Sounding Off
Ebook Is Now Available



The most significant advances in audio for today's media have emerged from broadcasters' transition to IP and the cloud. More than any other development, audio over IP is expanding the ways audio can be enhanced and customized to expand viewer options. 

 In our latest Guide to Audio, we take a look at how IP is changing the way audio is processed, managed and delivered in today's broadcast environment and how it is revolutionizing the viewing experience.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 29 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2567

2023 Program Guide for M&E Best in Market Awards


The 2023 Media & Entertainment Best in Market Awards
Program Guide Is Now Available



Future presents the nominees and highlights the winners of the Media & Entertainment Best in Market Awards for 2023. The awards recognize the most outstanding product innovations of last year.

The products featured in this award eBook were nominated by manufacturers who paid an entry fee to be considered. The winners, identified by the winner logo, were selected by a panel of professional users, editors and technical contributors to TV Tech, TVBEurope and NextTV.

We hope you find this guide useful and informative in your search and discovery of new products.

Thanks to all our participants and congratulations to our winners!

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© 2023 Future US, Inc, 130 West 42nd Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10036 | 212.378.0400

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2567


Sentry MBA is an automated account cracking tool that makes it one of the most popular cracking tools. It is used by cybercriminals to take over user accounts on major websites. With Sentry MBA, criminals can rapidly test millions of usernames and passwords to see which ones are valid on a targeted website. The tool has become incredibly popular — the Shape Security research team sees Sentry MBA attack attempts on nearly every website we protect.  Download Sentry MBA v1.4.1 latest version.


Sentry MBA has a point-and-click graphical user interface, online help forums, and vibrant underground marketplaces to enable large numbers of individuals to become cybercriminals. These individuals no longer need advanced technical skills, specialized equipment, or insider knowledge to successfully attack major websites.
Sentry MBA attack has three phases,
  • Targeting and attack refinement
  • Automated account check
  • Monetization

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Multi-Protocol Proxy Over TCP & UDP

Many years ago I programed a console based multi protocol proxy (the sha0proxy) lately I created in dotnet a graphical verison of the tool, but due to the form referesh speed finally I implemented it in C++ with Qt.

This tool useful for reversing, exploiting & pentesting was finally called rproxy, and its a multi-protocol proxy over TCP or UDP.

Being in the middle of the communication you can view and modify the bytes before being sent to the client or server.

In the tools tab right now its possible to open the blob on radare2 for further reversing of the data structures or code.

A basic mutation based fuzzer is implemented for bug-hunting, just set the % ratio of mutation and the bytes will be modified during specific communications phase.

One of the powerful things of this tool is the scripting, it is possible to automate a modification in specific moment of the traffic flow.

For example a script with a single line: "IN 3 20 3F" will write a 0x3f on the offset 20 only on the third packet received from the server. I have used this feature for triggering vulnerabilities.

Regarding the saving and loading data from disk, it's possible to save and load data in raw and hex formats. Also can be configured for save all the communications or only specific emission.

Find the source code and binaries at github: https://github.com/sha0coder/reproxy

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วันเสาร์ที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2567

Samurai: Web Testing Framework

"The Samurai Web Testing Framework is a live linux environment that has been pre-configured to function as a web pen-testing environment. The CD contains the best of the open source and free tools that focus on testing and attacking websites. In developing this environment, we have based our tool selection on the tools we use in our security practice. We have included the tools used in all four steps of a web pen-test." read more...

Website: http://samurai.inguardians.com

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Hacker Group 'Moses Staff' Using New StrifeWater RAT In Ransomware Attacks


A politically motivated hacker group tied to a series of espionage and sabotage attacks on Israeli entities in 2021 incorporated a previously undocumented remote access trojan (RAT) that masquerades as the Windows Calculator app as part of a conscious effort to stay under the radar.

Cybersecurity company Cybereason, which has been tracking the operations of the Iranian actor known as Moses Staff, dubbed the malware "StrifeWater."

"The StrifeWater RAT appears to be used in the initial stage of the attack and this stealthy RAT has the ability to remove itself from the system to cover the Iranian group's tracks," Tom Fakterman, Cybereason security analyst, said in a report. "The RAT possesses other capabilities, such as command execution and screen capturing, as well as the ability to download additional extensions."

Moses Staff came to light towards the end of last year when Check Point Research unmasked a series of attacks aimed at Israeli organizations since September 2021 with the objective of disrupting the targets' business operations by encrypting their networks, with no option to regain access or negotiate a ransom.

The intrusions were notable for the fact that they relied on the open-source library DiskCryptor to perform volume encryption, in addition to infecting the systems with a bootloader that prevents them from starting without the correct encryption key.

To date, victims have been reported beyond Israel, including Italy, India, Germany, Chile, Turkey, the U.A.E., and the U.S.

The new piece of the attack puzzle discovered by Cybereason comes in the form of a RAT that's deployed under the name "calc.exe" (the Windows Calculator binary) and is used during the early stages of the infection chain, only to be removed prior to the deployment of the file-encrypting malware.

The removal and the subsequent replacement of the malicious calculator executable with the legitimate binary, the researchers suspect, is an attempt on the part of the threat actor to cover up tracks and erase evidence of the trojan, not to mention enable them to evade detection until the final phase of the attack when the ransomware payload is executed.

StrifeWater, for its part, is no different from its counterparts and comes with numerous features, chief among them being the ability to list system files, execute system commands, take screen captures, create persistence, and download updates and auxiliary modules.

"The end goal for Moses Staff appears to be more politically motivated rather than financial," Fakterman concluded. "Moses Staff employs ransomware post-exfiltration not for financial gain, but to disrupt operations, obfuscate espionage activity, and to inflict damage to systems to advance Iran's geopolitical goals."

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