วันศุกร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2563

Win a Sabaton and World of Warships Mega-Bundle





Swedish power thrashers Sabaton have formed an epic partnership with Wargaming, the Belarusian studio behind the epic naval battle game World of Warships. In 2019, Wargaming enshrined their affinity for heavy metal more acutely than ever when they recruited Sabaton to write a song about the Bismarck (fittingly titled "Bismarck"), which refers to the German battleship that's lovingly rendered in its muscular glory within the World of Warships ranks.

 Revolver has teamed up with Sabaton and Wargaming to give one lucky winner an awesome Sabaton World of Warships mega-bundle that includes signed band collectiblesWorld of Warships merch and a special game starter pack featuring in game currency, premium ships and more.

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