Sennheiser Group has published its results for the 2013 fiscal year, showing revenue remained constant, while return on sales was a middling single-digit figure. Profit for last year was 14.3 million euros, a significant decline as against the two previous years.
by Eyal Levi In an age where spare-room studios are the norm and artists are becoming increasingly DAW-proficient, the lines between songwriting and production are more blurred than ever. Here, producer/PSN blogger Eyal Levi covers creating rhythmic variations quickly and offers a clip from a video class he conducted at Audiohammer Studios.
"Finally, ports became fast enough to accommodate video cameras, fast hard drives, and yes, audio interfaces capable of streaming lots of data. And as more pros see higher sample rates on the horizon, there's been chatter about the need to upgrade audio interfaces to handle the extra bandwidth. But what port protocol is the best, and most future-proof, choice?" —Craig Anderton in "USB, FireWire, and Thunderbolt...Oh My!" From the latest issue of Pro Sound News - Click here to read the full article!