Receive a free custom analysis (a $2500 value) of your company and see how it compares to industry medians, the most profitable industry companies, and similar size companies to yours.
But that's not all! When you participate in this year's survey, you will also receive:
Action plan on how to improve profitability.
Access to a webinar reviewing the data
Course at CEDIA EXPO for a deep data dive and profitability workshop
10% discount on 2015 CEDIA membership.
Shorter, faster, easier. In 2014, the survey has been shortened to help company owners strapped for time. You can also have half of the survey done for you confidentially for faster and easier completion.
Who can participate? The CEDIA Benchmarking Survey is open to home technology professional companies (installation firms) in the US & Canada only. Participants DO NOT have to be CEDIA members.
How do I participate? The survey is now open! Participate through one of three tools: